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xamlHtmlViewer displaying and accessing content from aspx page

Hello, I am trying to use the xamlHtmlViewer to display a local aspx page in my ria mvvm silverlight project.  I can get a regular HTML page to display no problem, however the aspx page will not show up for some reason.  It just comes up as a blank page.  When I right click the aspx page in vs 2010, and select view in browser, it also comes up and displays just fine. Just when I am going through with the xamlHtmlViewer does it come up blank.

I have a silverlight app that displays views side by side.  This aspx page consumes an entire view and it worked fine with a simple HTML page.

My goal is to display an aspx page in this xamlHtmlViewer so I can use the aspx to access content that is being displayed inside of it (iframe). It does not need to talk to the silverlight.  Is there some limitation of the xamlHtmlViewer to display local aspx or aspx in general?

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