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Ribbon performance and memory leak with theme

In a test app, I had a small (two context tab) ribbon:

 <ig:XamRibbon HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="xamRibbon1" ApplicationMenuMode="Office2010" VerticalAlignment="Top" >
                <ig:XamRibbonContextualTab Content="Test1" BaseBackColor="#00EFDA12" IsVisible="True">
                        <ig:XamRibbonTabItem Header="Tab1" Name="Tab1">
                            <ig:XamRibbonGroup Caption="Group 1">
                                <ig:ButtonTool Caption="Button 2" />
                            <ig:XamRibbonGroup Caption="Group 2">
                                <ig:ButtonTool Caption="Button 4" />
                        <ig:XamRibbonTabItem Header="Tab2" Name="Tab2">
                            <ig:XamRibbonGroup Caption="Group 3">
                                <ig:ButtonTool Caption="Button 6" />
                            <ig:XamRibbonGroup Caption="Group 4">
                                <ig:ButtonTool Caption="Button 8" />

I then had a background thread switching between Tab1 and Tab2 1000 times (500 each) with a 10ms delay. The switching took just over 10 seconds, with a nett memory rise of 112K (mainly occurring over the initial iterations), as expected.

However, if I now add in the Office2010 Blue theme:

                <ResourceDictionary Source="Resources/Office2010Blue.xamRibbonGeneric.xaml"/>

(having added the RibbonBrushes, RibbonGeneric and RibbonPArtStyles files) and re-run the timings, I see a duration of 12 seconds, with the UI refresh rate slowing down during the iterations. Checking memory, there has been a nett gain of 10.2 MB, linearly increasing over the iterations.

This leads me to suspect that this ribbon theme is causing a memory leak.

I have reproduced this on 11.2 and 12.1.

For the moment, I can probably avoid using this theme, but it may be worth looking into.


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