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Performance problem with ViewType = Hierarchical

Hi All

UltraWebGrid 7.3.20073.38

We have set the following properties of the ultrawebgrid:

Browser = xml
ViewType = Hierarchical
EnableInternalRowsManagement = true
LoadOnDemand = xml

And wie load the data of the grid in the InitializeDataSource-Event.

There are 3 levels of hierarchy:
Level one contains 3 rows, level 2 contains 9 rows an level 3 should display
about 3000 rows.

Loading this amount of data from the database goes  3 seconds, rendering in
the InternetExplorer goes > 50 Seconds or it never ends loading (hang up).

Loading and displaying the level 3 table with same amount of data in a flat
ultrawebgrid goes about 8 seconds.

Is there some magic property we can set to boost up the performance?

Thank you vor your help

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