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Styling the Thumbs in XamNumericRangeSlider

I have the XamNumericRangeSlider and I'm trying to style the thumbs so that I would have a DomainUpDown-control with the thumb value (found in SL Toolkit)? Can you think of any way this would be possible? I haven't succeeded in it yet. 

Here's my code (style has bunch of other things as well but this is the part that matters)

<Style x:Key="CustomThumbStyle" TargetType="ig:XamSliderThumbBase">
  <Setter Property="Template">
      <ControlTemplate TargetType="ig:XamSliderThumbBase">
        <toolkit:DomainUpDown Value="{Binding MyValueProperty, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding ValueList, Mode=TwoWay}"></toolkit:DomainUpDown>

I have binded the thumb ValueProperty to "MyValueProperty" and I also try to display it in the DomainUpDown. If I set the DomainUpDown values, the value is updated in my property but if I drag the thumb, the values are not updated to the DomainUpDown-control. 

If you could test this scenario and try to see if you can get it working?

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    I got it! It wasn't working because the ValueList was a string list and the thumb value is double. I needed to match the types with a converter and now it works like a charm. No need to investigate this any further. 

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