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Show image in XamHtmlViewer


I am adding my HTML to XamHtmlViewer. In dev it works fine - shows an image on top of it as a banner.

When I deploy it and run - it shows everything except image.

This is my image tag:

<img src='../resources/banner.png'/>

and I place image itself in Web project Resources folder. So I have /WebProject/Resources/banner.png, /WebProject/ClientBin, etc.

And I assign Html string to HtmlCode property of XamHtmlViewer:

HtmlCode = "Html goes here"

In deployed application I have Resources folder with my image.

Anybody can tell me why I don't see the image in deployed Silverlight application.



  • 27093



    I have been looking into your description however I am not sure what exactly have you done so far. Would you please explain the overall goal of your approach and if possible attach a test sample we can test out.


    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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