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Silverlight XamDataTree and "Lazy Loading"

Hi all,

I'd like to use lazy loading in my Silverlight XamDataTree. I've already read this topic :

But it doesn't help me. While clicking on the expansion indicator, I'd like the "ghost" node to disappear and my wanted nodes to be loaded. I think it's like dynamically add nodes in the tree.

Here is an example :

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void resultXdt_NodeExpansionChanged(object sender, NodeExpansionChangedEventArgs e)


            XamDataTree xdt = sender as XamDataTree;

            XamDataTreeNode xdtnode = e.Node;


            //XDTNode is the type of all my nodes, DisplayMemberPath is set on "Description" attribute

            XDTNode xdtn = xdtnode.Data as XDTNode;


            //RelatedTo is a collection of XDTNode children

            //Here I remove a ghost XDTNode used to show the expansion indicator



            //Here I add a testing node in the "RelatedTo" collection

            xdtn.RelatedTo.Add(new XDTNode()


                Name = "try",

                Description = "try",

                RelatedTo = new List<XDTNode>()




With this the tree does not update automatically when I expand my first node, I always see my "ghost" node, and I don't see my "try" node.

I'd like to use this kind of functionallity to avoid endless loop in my code, because I use this control in a particular way...

Does any one have an idea ? Did I miss something ? Do you understand my request ?

Thank you all

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  • 55

    Hi again,

    Here was my mistake :

    Using a List<XDTNode> won't allow the tree to see the change. I changed with ObservableCollection<XDTNode> and now it works just fine.

    Thank you anyway :)

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