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xamWebChart rendering is slow when using within TabControl

I have a web page with two tabs and a couple scatter line charts on each tab. Switching between tabs take 10-20seconds with Silverlight v10.3 web chart. This is mostly due to charts re-painting. All data is already on a client. When charts has no data  - I can switch between tabs in 1-2 seconds. The series are mapped using DataSource and DataMapping (200-500 datapoints). Populating DataPoints collection directly didn't help - I am still getting the same delay simply switching between tabs. Please advise. Thank you.

  • 30692
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted
    Hi can you provide a sample the replicates the issue? When you switch tabs on a tab control it will unload the content from any non selected tabs and reload any content on the newly selected tab. In your case, the series you have set up may be expensive to reload for whatever reason. If you can pro ide an example that will be the fastest way to pinpoint the issue. Thanks, Graham
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