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Grid cell style

I have an accounting app that determines when a customer is on credit hold, at risk of going on credit hold, or their account is in good standing.

My goal is to display the customer's name in the xamgrid, with red for hold, yellow at risk and green for good standing.  

The logic to make this determination is done server side.  I would like to do code behind logic for the column to determine what color to render the name based on a datamember with the risk status for the customer.  

Is it possible to create a custom rule that runs codebehind?  The examples I have scene are about if the value of the current column is greater than X, then use some style.  I need to make the "name" column color determination from another column. 

Is it possible to create a rule set that is generic and based on the current row collection like e.cell.row, have the rule fire, but leave the logic open so I can factor in the rotation of the earth if I feel like it in make the determination of how to style the column.




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