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Binding IsEnabled - Property of a Ribbon - ButtonTool


I'm using NetAdvantage_Silverlight_20103.

I'm trying to bind the IsEnabled - Property of the a "ButtonTool" - Button, but it does'n work. (I a earlier Version (I think 20102) this worked...)

It works on Binding a "normal" Button...

            <AppServices:ARGUSnetDBDomainContext x:Key="MyDomainDataContext" />
        <ig:XamRibbon x:Name="ApplicationRibbon" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" IsMinimized="True" >

           <!-- Quick Access Toolbar -->
                    <ig:QatPlaceholderTool TargetId="btnSave" TargetType="Tool"/>
                    <ig:QatPlaceholderTool TargetId="btnUndo" TargetType="Tool"/>
            <!--Add Tabs to XamRibbon -->
                <ig:XamRibbonApplicationMenu Image="./Resources/Images/16/ARGUS_16.png">
                        Caption="Undo" IsQatCommonTool="True" Id="btnUndo" MaximumSize="ImageAndTextLarge"
                        IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyDomainDataContext}, Path=HasChanges}"
                        Click="btnUndoClick"   />

Can you please help me?

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  • 6475


    This is a bug in the control that we're aiming to fix in the forthcoming service release. Thanks for reporting it!


    As a workaround you can set your BindingMode to TwoWay:

    IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyDomainDataContext}, Path=HasChanges, Mode=TwoWay}"


    A colleague of mine advised that in such situations, it's better to have a TwoWay binding.

    If, for example, your application opens a ChildWindow, the control will get disabled, and it would break your OneWay binding.


    Hope that helps,

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