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UltraWebGrid group error...
Hello, I use the group functions as follows ..

<GroupByRowStyleDefault BackColor="Control" BorderColor="Window">
                 </ GroupByRowStyleDefault>
                     <BoxStyle BackColor="ActiveBorder" BorderColor="Window">
                     </ BoxStyle>
                 </ GroupByBox>
                 <AddNewBox Hidden="False">
                     <BoxStyle BackColor="Window" BorderColor="InactiveCaption" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid">
                         <BorderDetails ColorLeft="White" ColorTop="White" WidthLeft="1px" WidthTop="1px">
                         </ BorderDetails>
                     </ BoxStyle>
                 </ AddNewBox>
                 <ActivationObject BorderColor="" BorderWidth="">
                 </ ActivationObject>
                     <FilterDropDownStyle CustomRules = "overflow: auto;" BackColor = "White" BorderColor = "Silver"
                         BorderWidth = "1px" BorderStyle = "Solid" Font-Names = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
                         Font-Size = "11px" Height = "300px" Width = "200px">
                         <Padding Left="2px"> </ Padding>
                     </ FilterDropDownStyle>
                     <FilterHighlightRowStyle BackColor="#151C55" ForeColor="White">
                     </ FilterHighlightRowStyle>
                     <FilterOperandDropDownStyle CustomRules = "overflow: auto;" BackColor = "White" BorderColor = "Silver"
                         BorderWidth = "1px" BorderStyle = "Solid" Font-Names = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
                         Font-Size = "11px">
                         <Padding Left="2px"> </ Padding>
                     </ FilterOperandDropDownStyle>
                 </ FilterOptionsDefault>

But when I drag the header field to do group ,
and click the plus sign to open the details,
then to scroll mouse,
and there will be error into the debugger mode,
In this line "parentNodeStyle.width = hdrTblWidth;"
there is an invalid argument error,
would you tell me, how to solve ?
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  • 14517
    Offline posted


    I wa unable to reproduce your issue. Please let me know what Volume and build number of NetAdvantage you are usin. Also, since this was filed under templated Columns, let me know how your template column is setup / created.




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