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Webgrid checkbox only fires UpdateCell when checked not when unchecked


The first column in my grid is a checkbox.  In Javascript, when I check the checkbox, AfterCellUpdateHandler excutes correctly.  Then the server-side UpdateCell fires correctly.  I now click the checkbox again (without leaving the row) to uncheck it, once again the client side event fires, but no matter what I try, I cannot get the server side event to fire for the unchecking of the box.  I've tried with and without AJAX, I've tried different datatypes.

I can't get around this requirement.  I have to be able to detect when a line is unchecked.  Anyone out there with a similar problem?




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  • 30

    I am having the same problem.

    I am using UltraWebGrid v8.2

    I have the column type set to checkbox.  When the check box is checked off, the UpdateCell Event fires off fine.  But if any of the checkboxes in the grid are unchecked, the event does not fire.

    A suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.


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