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Checkbox in UltraWebGrid

Dear friends,

                  I have an UltraWebGrid with a first column as a Checkbox column. When I checked the checkbox of a particular row in Internet Explorer. A checkbox is remain selected when any postback happens. But the same thing is not working in Mozilla. In Mozilla a Checkbox get Uncheck when postback happens. To persist a checkbox value to be checked for that I have to take a UltraWebGrid_Click(object sender, ClickEventArgs e) event in my .cs file, After the when I click on Column next to Checkbox column then this event get fired and the Checkbox checked value get persisted. But this is not a solution, Because User has to every time click on other part of row to get checkbox's check value.

Please help me. I am in a big trouble. 

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  • 3732


    It seems the CheckBox column is not persisting the viewstate in FireFox, right? I'm not sure why? Please answer the following questions for me to find out the cause:

    1) Which version of NetAdvantage are you using?

    2) What is the DataSource of the grid?

    3) Is the CheckBox column a template column?

    4) Are you using AJAX technology? If yes, then please provide details.

    5) What are the events handled on the grid? Please list both the server and client side events.



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