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Cannot open Indigo Lite files in Indigo Studio Version 1

I have created about 6 months worth of screen shots in Indigo lite. I see that now there is an Indigo Studio Version 1 instead of Indigo Lite. I'm unable to open ANY of my files from Indigo Lite in the new Indigo Studios. I get an error saying it cannot read the files or to ensure they are readable. HELP PLEASE!! 

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  • 2848
    Verified Answer

    Hi Jennifer,

    Indigo Lite an updated version of Indigo V1 with bug fixes and minor features. We also have Indigo v2 that adds additional major features.

    The files created in Indigo V1 can be opened with Indigo Lite and Indigo V2. The files created with Indigo Lite and Indigo V2 cannot be open with Indigo V1.

    For what you describe, it seems that you have an Indigo V1 version and you want to open files created with Indigo Lite. That won't work, but you should be able to update that Indigo V1 version to update it to Indigo Lite, and then you should be able to open the files.

    I hope it helps. If it does not, it would be great if you can send one of the files you cannot open to indigo @ so we can understand what is happening.



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