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Grid vanishes when using the row filter UI type.

I am currently using the igniteui-react-grids module and have encountered a bug that is preventing me from progressing.

When scrolling horizontally through the data grid, the entire grid vanishes once I exceed a certain point. I don't believe it to be a bug on my side, as when I force the data to refetch the grid appears again for a split second. I have also tried stripping my component back to the bare minimum and hard-coding the data.

My grid is indeed very wide, but the problem persists even when reducing the size of the dataset. After some experimentation, I discovered this happens when the grid hits ~35 or more columns and the filter UI type is set to row. 

Specifically, these are columns with varying data types, when using more simple examples e.g. just string columns this doesn't happen.

I am using the filter UI type row as it is the only filter type that I can actually see, the others don't appear to do anything.

I have attached an example that shows this occurring.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run the attached example
  2. Scroll horizontally through the grid, the contents will vanish after a certain point
  3. Comment out the filterUIType={FilterUIType.FilterRow} (line 39 GridPage.tsx) and see that this no longer occurs
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  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Graham,

    The behavior you are reporting here is known, and our developers are currently investigating into it, as it is an unexpected behavior for the grid. The issue has been logged in our GitHub repository for Ignite UI for React, here:

    I believe we also have a private support case together where this behavior was initially raised to create the GitHub issue mentioned above. That case has an ID of C-00229843.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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