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Validation "Entry is too long and was trimmed to xx symbols"

I have a igTextEditor on an igDialog where the width is set to 200px and the Max Length is set to 8000.

We build up the textbox control as a user control so that all text editors are given above mentioned settings, so it looks as follows

<uc:WUECTextField ID="txtEmailAddress1" runat="server" TabIndex="6" Width="200" IsWarningControl="true" />

The one texteditor on the dialog is used for a email addresses. My issue is with this email address specifically : as you can see the character length is 34.

When I open the page where the dialog is on I get the following error in the left hand corner:

"Entry is too long and was trimmed to 30 symbols". the Text Editors Max length is set to 8000

When I change the email address to a shorter address the error does not display the next time I open the page.

It also just display in the top left corner for some reason.

Why is this happening? I have search through the whole project and on none of the controls the max length is 30.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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