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Blazor DataGrid Theming

It is my understanding that the Datagrid can be themed based on CSS overrides.

It would be nice to have a bunch of basic examples out there.

Mostly, I think what most devs need to do is maybe adjust font, font size and padding around the column header and cells.  There is a lot of wasted space on these grids.

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  • 28945
    Offline posted

    Hello Matthew, 

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics.

    As of right now you cannot apply CSS elements within the grid (columns, rows, cells individually). There are several style-related properties such as Background for changing the background-color on the IgbColumn directive.


    <IgbTextColumn Background="Red" />

    You can override the column's cells by using a TemplateColumn and hooking onCellUpdatingScript and in javascript override your cell's content. I would only do this if you are injecting your own custom dom element inside the cells. 


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