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Performance issue - delay in rendering of selection

Hi Team,

I am currently using igniteui-angular version : 7.2.18.

I am using this.grid.selectRows(rowArray); inside handleRowSelection(event) method to select a bunch of rows, when i am selecting like this there is a delay of around 10-15 seconds to show the selection in the UI. Is there any alternative to this or any performance improvement i can do?

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    Hello Shivam,

    I have prepared a small sample, selecting rows on a button click. The rows are selected by using the selectRows method of the igxGrid as follows:

    this.grid.selectRows([1, 2, 3]);

    However, on my side no delay is observed. According to our support policy, Trial Service level customers are eligible for support for our current latest version, which at this point is 11. This is the reason why the provided sample using Ignite UI for Angular version 11.

    Furthermore, support is applicable to two versions back - latest stable, and the previous major version This means that version 7.2 is considered retired and it is no longer eligible for Developer Support Services.

    Since no delay is observed by using selectRows method with a newer version of the controls I assume that this behavior might be caused by an issue that we have addressed, fixed and released in any of the latest versions of our product. Having this in mind my suggestion would be to upgrade to any of the latest versions of our product.

    Please let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.

    Monika Kirkova,

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