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Performance of - could do better!

We have been a user of netadvantage for now for two years.

We purchased the product specifically for charts in our website. This has been great.

It was hoped that we could use other controls in the suite. Some of the menu controls and the webgrid offer good functionality and look pretty good too.

We would love to use these additional controls, but this will only become possible when serious perfromance issues have been addressed.

Even Infragistics own website is particularly slow.  The infragistics home page exceeds 1 MEGA BYTES.  That is HUGE.

There is no doubt that infragisics have some very good people and really good products and I would be concerned that they do themselves an injustice by allowing their products to be represented by such a poorly performing website.

I have been following Josh Smiths excellent articles on WPF and am looking forward to seeing the infragistics silverlight platform, however, again I am going to be a little wary regarding performance issues.

I do hope infragistics can overcome such problems.  Even with 8Mbps broadband, page load times are totally unacceptable. Our own benchmark is to have page loads in under 10 seconds (for a 1Mbps connection) and NEVER more than 20 seconds.  So we are not even trying to accomodate dial-up speeds.

Josh Smith, Sacha Barber and Karl Shifflett have got me reading 'the code project' where I found a link to

Check out the what gets downloaded from the infragistics home page.  Now some of their metrics rules may be more in line for dial-up speeds, but even so: a home page which makes 200 http requests, downloads 1,150,270 bytes, has 724,348 bytes worth of images, and has 212,390bytes of Javascript requires some serious attention to performance and usability.

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