Infragistics - An MVP Squirrel?

Ambrose Little / Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I can't take credit for the metaphor (that goes to our VP of Product Development & Marketing, Jonathan Cohen), but I thought it was apt.  Why do I say this?  Well, in addition to Jason Beres (VB MVP), Tony Lombardo (ASP.NET MVP), myself (Solutions Architect MVP), and of course our C# MVP Emeritus, Andrew Flick, we're honored to have two new MVPs and all around great guys joining us: Craig Shoemaker (ASP.NET MVP) and Josh Smith (WPF MVP).  So it seems like we're collecting MVPs like squirrels collect nuts; at least it is the right time of year. :)

Are we nuts!?  No, I think it is just an indicator that Infragistics is really invested in the software community and intends to continue to invest in it; it's a big reason why I love working here.  On our Community site, we are doing our best to get and stay connected with you.  If you are hosting an event, please let us know--we like to sponsor and send speakers as much as we can.  You can use the Connect menu option on the Infragistics Community site to see where we're at using the community events calendar and see if we can help make your event a success.

Connect with Infragistics

Craig Shoemaker
We're extremely glad to have Craig starting with us.  In addition to being an MVP, he is an ASPInsider, co-author of two books on ASP.NET AJAX, and he hosts the Polymorphic Podcast.  As an evangelist, Craig is ramping up our community content, particularly with multimedia, so we'll finally get you those podcasts we promised. :)  So keep an eye out for all the good content we'll be pumping out your way with Craig's help!

Josh Smith
Josh is bringing a lot to the table, particularly in client app development, with a focus on WPF.  As well as being an MVP, Josh is a big blogger on WPF, speaks regularly about WPF at conferences and community events, and he's published a ton of highly-rated articles on Code Project.  Josh is joining us in my group, UXG, as a guidisan, and he'll be focusing on cranking out a bunch of high-quality samples and exemplars for our Infragistics community to learn from.

Both of these guys bring a lot of passion for software development and the software development community (you).  We're very pleased and proud to have them joining the company!  It's great to get to work with folks like these.  If you're passionate about software and love working at a dynamic company that feels the same way, check out our openings